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Interactive video-mapping installation
“Face” is an interractive video-mapping installation which questions the spectators about the control of their own identities in our net society 2.0. People in todays society lack control of their images on Facebook, Twitter, instagram and other social media. Quite recently this became one of the major concerns of our society, How could we keep our privacy, our secrets without being outside of these social networks which are managing our lives. Major IT companies are growing faster and faster, they reached a point that these companies know more about us than ours familly and friends. And us, we just keep using with these features they offer us because it’s handy, it’s funny and it’s friendly.
The “Face” Sculpture is everybody’s face, everybody ‘s profile picture. Everybody wants to play with it, to have their face projected on it, and tointeract with it. But when they discover that when you’ve placed your face in front of the capture device, you’re not able to see the result on the sculpture, only other people can see it. What they see is your face, but not a true likeness to your face. Its your face deformed, augemented, texturized in a unique and facinating way!
Interactive video-mapping installation
“Face” is an interractive video-mapping installation which questions the spectators about the control of their own identities in our net society 2.0. People in todays society lack control of their images on Facebook, Twitter, instagram and other social media. Quite recently this became one of the major concerns of our society, How could we keep our privacy, our secrets without being outside of these social networks which are managing our lives. Major IT companies are growing faster and faster, they reached a point that these companies know more about us than ours familly and friends. And us, we just keep using with these features they offer us because it’s handy, it’s funny and it’s friendly.
The “Face” Sculpture is everybody’s face, everybody ‘s profile picture. Everybody wants to play with it, to have their face projected on it, and tointeract with it. But when they discover that when you’ve placed your face in front of the capture device, you’re not able to see the result on the sculpture, only other people can see it. What they see is your face, but not a true likeness to your face. Its your face deformed, augemented, texturized in a unique and facinating way!
face presentation